Website Development

Web Development
Web development is always vital to build a functional website. With growth, user expectations drive continuous changes in technology. Therefore, brands and companies are forced to offer the best digital experiences to meet the growing demands of customers. We have more popularity in web application development because of our extensive range of highly customized web development services. Our company is associated with big brands and as well known as one of the reputed web application development company in Visakhapatnam and Hyderabad, India.
As per the needs and specific requirements of the customers we deliver lots of web application development projects. We hold expertise in managing and handling large-scale web application development projects and meet the growing demands of our respected customers located all over the globe. We have a good track record of completing and maintaining large-scale application development projects.
Web Development course syllabus
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
- Introduction To HTML
- Introduction to Doctype
- Structure Of HTML
- Basic
- Attributes & Values
- Comments, Header Tags
- Font Tag
- Image Tag
- Link Tags
- Text Linking
- Image Linking
- Marquee Tag
- List
- Order List
- Unorder List
- Definition List
- Table Tag
- Form Tags
- Frame Tag
- Audio, Video Tags
- About Iframe Tag
- Difference Between HTML & XHTML
HTML5 Structure Tags
- Section, Nav, Article
- Aside, Header, Footer
- About Canvas Tags
- HTML5 New Form Elements
- Placeholder Attribute
- Require, Pattern, Auto Focus Attribute
- Email, Tel, URL Types
- Number Type, Date Type, Range Type
- How to Create CSS Class?
- How to Use the Class in Html?
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
- Types Of CSS
- About CSS Selectors
- About CSS Properties
- Background Properties
- Box Properties
- Border Properties
- Positioning Properties
- CSS Menu Design (Horizontal, Vertical, Popup)
- Creating of Web Site by Using Div.’s
Javascrip (JS)
- Basic JavaScript
- What is JavaScript
- Types of Statements
- What is Variable
- Types of Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Introduction to Loops
- For Loop Examples
- While Loop Examples
- Math Calculations Using Functions and Forms
- String Object
- Navigator Object
- Date Object
- Discuss Dropdown Menu
Benefits of Dynamic Website
- Easier Design Updates
- Much more functional website
- New content increases rankings in search engines
- More Flexible Data
- Is able to generate more traffic
- Easier Content Updates
The Dynamic websites are useful for the purpose of data between the user and the web pages. The users can even upload their own information in a dynamic website but it requires registration.